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BIM中心 发表于: 2019-09-10 10:01 点击:[]

[1] Xiaoxiao Xu, Jiayuan Wang*, Clyde Zhengdao Li, Wenke Huang, Nini Xia. Schedule risk analysis of infrastructure projects: A hybrid dynamic approach[J]. Automation in Construction (SCI中科院二区,Top期刊), 2018 (95), 20-34.

[2] Anthony Morris, Jian Zuo, Yutao Wang, Jiayuan Wang*. Readiness for sustainable community: A case study of Green Star Communities[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI中科院一区,Top期刊), 2018 (173), 308-317.

[3] Jiayuan Wang, Huabo Duan, George Zillante, Jian Zuo, Hongping Yuan. Combining life cycle assessment and Building Information Modelling to account for carbon emission of building demolition waste: A case study[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI中科院一区,Top期刊), 2018 (172), 3154-3166.

[4] Clyde Zhengdao Li,Jingke Hong,Geoffrey Qiping Shen. Schedule delay analysis of prefabricated housing production in Hong Kong: a hybrid dynamic approach. Journal of cleaner production.2018,195:1533-1545.SCI,JCR一区)

[5] Clyde Zhengdao Li, Fan Xue, Gangyan Xu, Ke Chen, Jingke Hong, Weisheng Lu, George Guoquan Huang, Geoffrey Qiping Shen. A platform for on-site assembly services of prefabricated construction: Integration of Internet of Things and BIM. Automation in Construction. 89:146-161(2018).(SCIJCR一区)

[6] Clyde Zhengdao Li; Xiaoxiao Xu; Geoffrey Qiping Shen; Cheng Fan; Xiao Li; Jingke Hong, A model for simulating schedule risks in prefabrication housing production: a case study of six-day cycle assembly activities in Hong Kong.Journal of Cleaner Production.185:366-381(2018).SCI,JCR一区)

[7] Hong, J., G. Q. Shen,Clyde Zhengdao Li*, B. Zhang and W. Zhang (2018). "Barriers to promoting prefabricated construction in China: A costbenefit analysis." Journal of Cleaner Production 172(Supplement C): 649-660.SCI,JCR一区)

[8] Cheng Fan. Fu Xiao.Clyde Zhengdao Li*, Jiayuan Wang. Unsupervised Data Analytics in Mining Big Building Operational Data for Energy Efficiency Enhancement: A Review. Energy and Building.159:296-308(2018). (SCI,JCR一区)

[9] Cheng Fan, Yongjun Sun*, Kui Shan, Fu Xiao, Jiayuan Wang. Discovering gradual patterns in building operations for improving building energy efficiency. Applied Energy. 2018, 224: 116-123.

[10] Cheng Fan, Gongsheng Huang, Yongjun Sun*. A collaborative control optimization of grid-connected net zero energy buildings for performance improvements at building group level. Energy. 2018, 164: 536-549.

[11] Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao, Yang Zhao*, Jiayuan Wang. Analytical investigation of autoencoder-based methods for unsupervised anomaly detection in building energy data. Applied Energy. 2018, 211: 1123-1135.

[12] Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao, Zhengdao Li*, Jiayuan Wang. Unsupervised data analytics in mining big building operational data for energy efficiency enhancement: A review. Energy and Buildings. 2018, 159: 296-308.

[13] Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao*, Chengchu Yan. Research and applications of data mining techniques for improving building operational performance. Current Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Reports, 2018: 1-9.

[14] Borui Cui, Cheng Fan*, Jeffrey Munk, Ning Mao, Fu Xiao, Jin Dong, Teja Kuruganti. A hybrid building thermal modeling approach for predicting temperatures in typical, detached, two-story houses. Applied Energy. 2018, 236: 101-116.

[15] Yang Zhao, Tingting Li, Cheng Fan*, Jingchao Lu, Xuejun Zhang, Chaobo Zhang, Shuqin Chen. A proactive fault detection and diagnosis method for variable-air-volume terminals in building air conditioning systems. Energy and Buildings. 2018, 183: 527-537.

[16] Zhikun Ding, Zongjie Li, Cheng Fan*. Building energy savings: Analysis of research trend based on text mining. Automation in Construction. 2018, 96: 398-410.

[17] Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong*, Cheng Fan*, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qiping Shen. Schedule delay analysis of prefabricated housing production: A hybrid dynamic approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 195: 1533-1545.

[18] Zhengdao Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Qiping Shen, Cheng Fan*, Xiao Li, Jingke Hong*. A model for simulating schedule risks in prefabrication housing production: A case study of six-day cycle assembly activities in Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 185: 366-381.

[19] Ding Zhikun, Li Zongjie, Fan Cheng. Building energy savings: Analysis of research trends based on text mining [J]. Automation in Construction, 96, pp.398-410, 2018, EI,SCI(Q1)

[20] Ding Zhikun, Fan Ze, Tam Vivian, Bian Yu, Li Shenghan, Illankoon I.M. Chethana S, Moon Sungkon. Green building evaluation system implementation[J]. Building and Environment, 133, pp.32-40, 2018, EI,SCI(Q1)

[21] Ding Zhikun, Zhu Menglian, Tam Vivian, Yi Guizhen, Tran Cuong N.N. A system dynamics-based environmental benefit assessment model of construction waste reduction management at the design and construction stages[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176, pp.676-692, 2018, EI,SCI(Q1)

[22] Ding Zhikun, Gong Wenyan, Li Shenghan, Wu Zezhou. System dynamics versus agent-based modeling: A review of complexity simulation in construction waste management [J]. Sustainability, 10(7), pp.2484-2497, 2018, SCI(Q2).

[23] Ding Zhikun, Zhu Menglian, Wu Zezhou, Fu Yanbin. Liu Xia. Combining AHP-Entropy approach with GIS for construction waste landfill selection: A case study of Shenzhen [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, pp.2254-2275, 2018, EI,SSCI(Q2).

[24] Y. Tan, Y. Song, X. Wang, J.C.P. Cheng*, 2018. Optimizing Lift Operations and Vessel Transport Schedules for Topsides Disassembly of Multiple Offshore Platforms Using BIM and GIS. Automation in Construction. 94, 328-339.(JCR Q1IF=4.032)

[25] J.C.P. Cheng, Y. Tan*, Y. Song, Z. Mei, J. Gan, X. Wang, 2018. Developing an evacuation evaluation model for offshore oil and gas platforms using BIM and agent-based model, Automation in Construction 89, 214-224. (JCR Q1IF=4.032)

[26] Y. Tan, Y. Fang, T. Zhou, V.J.L. Gan, J.C.P. Cheng*, 2018. BIM-supported 4D acoustics simulation approach to mitigating noise impact on maintenance workers on offshore platforms. Automation in Construction. 100, 1-10. (JCR Q1IF=4.032)

[27] Liao, L.*, and Teo, E.A.L. (2018). Organizational change perspective on people management in BIM implementation in building projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(3), 04018008.

[28] Duan, H.*, Miller, T. R., Liu, G.*, Zeng, X., Yu, K., Huang, Q.*, ... & Li, J.  Chilling Prospect: Climate change effects of mismanaged refrigerants in China. Environ Sci & Technol. 2018. 52, 6350-6356 (SCI, IF: 6.20) (JCR-1)

[29] Singh, N., Duan, H. *, Yin, F., Song, Q., & Li, J. (2018). Characterizing the materials composition and recovery potential from waste mobile phones: A comparative evaluation of cellular and smart phones. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(10), 13016-13024. (SCI, IF: 5.95) (JCR-1)

[30] Wang, J., Wu, H.*, Duan, H.*, Zillante, G., Zuo, J., & Yuan, H.  Combining Life Cycle Assessment and Building Information Modelling to account for carbon emission of building demolition waste: A case study. J. Clean. Prod.  2018, 172, 3154-3166.(SCI, IF:5.72) (JCR-2)

[31] Song, Q., Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Li, J., Yu, D., Duan, H.*, & Yuan, W. Could urban electric public bus really reduce the GHG emissions: A case study in Macau? J. Clean. Prod.  2018, 172, 2133-2142.(SCI, IF:5.72) (JCR-2)

[32] Jingru Li#* , Jian Zuo, Hong Guo, Gaihong He, Han Liu. Willingness to pay for higher construction waste landfill charge: a comparative study in Shenzhen and Qingdao, China. Waste management, 2018, 81, 226-233. (SCI收录)

[33] Jingru Li#, Weiping Jiang*, Jian Zuo. The effects of trust network among project participants on project performance based on SNA approach: a case study in China, International Journal of Construction Management, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2018.1494672; 2018.10.1

[34] Jingru Li#*, Han Liu, Jian Zuo, Ruirui Xia, George Zillante. Are construction enterprises ready for industrialized residential building policy? A case study in Shenzhen. Sustainable cities and society, 2018, 41: 899-90. (SCI收录)

[35] Jingru Li*, Jian Zuo, Hong Cai, George Zillante. Construction waste reduction behavior of contractor employees: An extended theory of planned behavior model approach. Journal of cleaner production, 2018, 172:1399-1408. (SCI收录)

[36] Zhang L, Guo S, Wu Z, Alsaedi A, Hayat T, SWOT Analysis for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Rural Buildings: A Case Study of China, Energies 11 (2018) 851.

[37] Zhang L, Chen L, Wu Z, Xue H, Dong W, Key Factors Affecting Informed ConsumersWillingness to Pay for Green Housing: A Case Study of Jinan, China, Sustainability 10 (2018) 1711.

[38] Xue H, Zhang S, Su Y, Wu Z, Yang RJ, Effect of stakeholder collaborative management on off-site construction cost performance, J. Cleaner Prod. 184 (2018) 490-502.

[39] Xue H, Zhang S, Su Y, Wu Z, Capital Cost Optimization for Prefabrication: A Factor Analysis Evaluation Model, Sustainability 10 (2018) 159.

[40] Wei Y, Gu J, Wang H, Yao T, Wu Z, Uncovering the culprits of air pollution: Evidence from China's economic sectors and regional heterogeneities, J. Cleaner Prod. 171 (2018) 1481-93.

[41] Huo X, Yu ATW, Wu Z, An empirical study of the variables affecting site planning and design in green buildings, J. Cleaner Prod. 175 (2018) 314-23.

[42] Hong J, Shen GQ, Li CZ, Liu G, Wu Z, Zhong X, An integrated framework for embodied energy quantification of buildings in China: A multi-regional perspective, Resour. Consrv. Recy. 138 (2018) 183-93.

[43] Ding Z, Zhu M, Wu Z, Fu Y, Liu X, Combining AHP-Entropy Approach with GIS for Construction Waste Landfill SelectionA Case Study of Shenzhen, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 15 (2018) 2254.

[44] Ding Z, Gong W, Li S, Wu Z, System Dynamics versus Agent-Based Modeling: A Review of Complexity Simulation in Construction Waste Management, Sustainability 10 (2018) 2484.

[45] Yu, M.*, Fransoo, J.C. and Lee, C.-Y.“Detention Decisions for Empty Containers in the Hinterland Transportation System”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2018.04, 110: 188-208.


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