
























9.基于机器学习的“双碳”目标下多元协同环境治理体系模型构建、 结构测度和优化路径研究(国家社会科学基金面上项目)李景茹

10.城市更新过程中用地再开发的空间模式与影响机制研究: 基于空间选择的视角(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目)赖亚妮




















1.JianLIU, Nian She, Jan-tai Kuo, Lingyi Wu, Jiamin Huang. Application of SWMM to theLID facilities in the Longmu Bay International Resort Project, Philadelphia LowImpact Development Symposium, September 25-28, 2011, Philadelphia, PA.

2.Jian LIU, Nian She, Jan-tai Kuo, Lingyi Wu, Jiamin Huang. A method todevelop a design storm for Low Impact Development facility design whenappropriate rainfall data are not available, Philadelphia Low ImpactDevelopment Symposium, September 25-28, 2011, Philadelphia, PA.

3.Jian Liu, Xiaoqiang Gong, Liyu Li, Feiyong Chen, Jinhua Zhang.Innovative Design and Construction of the Sponge City Facilities in the Chaotou Park, Talent Island, Jiangmen, China.Sustainable Cities and Society.2021,70.

4.Xiaoqiang Gong, Jian Liu*, Liying Wu, Zengwen Bu, Zhengxu Zhu.Development of A Healthy Assessment System for Residential Building Epidemic Prevention.Building and Environment.2021,9.

5.Jian Liu, Zhuoting Chen, Lingyi Wu, Xingxiu Wang,Shuyu Chen.The carbon emission and environmental benefit analyses on the Qingxi River sediment treatment and recycling project in Dongguan.Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE.2022,148,11.

6.Xianfeng Wang, Shaocong Chen, Jun Ren*, Ruosi Huang, Zhenhong Yang, Weilun Wang, Jian Liu*, Feng Xing.Effect of super absorbent polymer and mineral additives on mechanical, shrinkage and healing properties of self-healing lightweight aggregate concrete under different curing regimes.Construction and Building Materials.2022,022.

7.Xianfeng Wang, Jierong Liang, Jun Ren*, Weilun Wang, Jian Liu**, Feng Xing.Constitutive relations, mechanical behavior, and failure criterion of microcapsule-based self-healing concrete under uniaxial and triaxial compression.Journal of Building Engineering.2023,652.

8.Jingru Li#* , Jian Zuo, Hong Guo, Gaihong He, Han Liu. Willingness topay for higher construction waste landfill charge: a comparative study inShenzhen and Qingdao, China. Waste management, 2018, 81, 226-233. (SCI收录)

9.Jingru Li#, Weiping Jiang*, Jian Zuo. The effects of trust networkamong project participants on project performance based on SNA approach: a casestudy in China, International Journal of Construction Management, 2018, DOI:10.1080/15623599.2018.1494672; 2018.10.1

10.Jingru Li#*, Han Liu, Jian Zuo, Ruirui Xia, George Zillante. Areconstruction enterprises ready for industrialized residential building policy?A case study in Shenzhen. Sustainable cities and society, 2018, 41: 899-90.(SCI收录)

11.Jingru Li*, Jian Zuo, Hong Cai, George Zillante. Construction wastereduction behavior of contractor employees: An extended theory of plannedbehavior model approach. Journal of cleaner production, 2018, 172:1399-1408.(SCI收录)

12.Jingru Li, Jingxiao Ji.Exploring Key Factors and Driving Mechanisms of Construction Waste Recycling Development in China: Combination of PEST Model and Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Sustainability.2023.

13.Jingru Li, Xian Zhao, Qiaoqiao Yong, Junlong Liang, Huanyu Wu.Revealing the implicit and explicit attitudes of the public towards recycled aggregate based on psychological experiment. Developments in the Built Environment.2023.

14.Jingru Li, Ruying Cai, Yi Tan, Haijun Zhou, Abdul-Manan Sadick, Wenchi Shou, Xiaoling Wang.Automatic detection of actual water depth of urban floods from social media images.Measurement.2023.

15.Yani LAI*, Jiayuan Wang and Waiming Lok. (2017).“Redefining property rights over collective land in the urbanredevelopment of Shenzhen, China”. Land Use Policy,69:485-493.

16.Yani LAI, Xian Zheng, Lennon Choy and Jiayuan Wang. (2017).“Property rights and housing prices: An empirical studyof small property rights housing in Shenzhen, China”.Land Use Policy,68:429-437.

17.Yani LAI*, Edwin Chan and Lennon Choy. (2017).“Village-led land development under state-led institutionalarrangements in urbanizing China: The empirical case of Shenzhen”. Urban Studies,54(7):1736-1759

18.Lin Jiang, Yani Lai*, Renzhong Guo, Xiaoming Li, Wuyang Hong, Xiao Tang.Measuring the impact of government intervention on the spatial variation of market-oriented urban redevelopment activities in Shenzhen, China.Cities.2024,147.

19.Chen Ke, Lai Yani*, Tao Li, Lin Yanliu.Spatial variation of industrial land conversion and its influential factors in urban redevelopment in China.Journal of Urban Planning and Development.2024.

20.Lai Yani, Zhou Junhong, Xu Xiaoxiao.Spatial Relationships between Population, Employment Density, and Urban Metro Stations: A Case Study of Tianjin City, China.Journal of Urban Planning and Development.2023,150.

21.Lai Yani, Chen Yang, Gui Yidan, Wang Shifu, Liu Xuan.Cooperating and competing for land-based interests in the growth coalition of market-oriented urban redevelopment: The Case of Shenzhen.Journal of Urban Affairs.2023.

22.Tong De, Yang Shuang, Lai Yani*.Experimentation-based policy-making for urban regeneration: The case of Shenzhen, China.The China Quarterly.2023.

23.Lai Yani, Wang Yuling, Cheng Jing, Chen Xiangsheng, Liu Quan.Review of constraints and critical success factors of developing urban underground space.Underground Space.2023,12.

24.Yani Lai*, Yanliu Lin.Buying a house without a formal title: A property rights perspective for understanding informal housing ownership in Shenzhen, China.Journal of Urban Affairs.2022.

25.Xiangqi Yan, Hanbing Tuo and Yani Lai*.A Two-way Fixed Effects Estimation on the Impact of Industrial Land Supply on Environmental Pollution in Urban China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022.

26.Hui Cheng, Yani Lai*, De Tong.Decoding the Decision-making in the New Wave of Urban Redevelopment in China: A Case Study of a Bottom-up Industrial Land Redevelopment Project in Shenzhen.Land Use Policy.2021,111.

27.Yani Lai, Lin Jiang, Xiaoxiao Xu.Exploring Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban Village Redevelopment: The Case of Shenzhen, China.Land.2021,10.

28.Yani Lai*, Bosin Tang, Xiangsheng Chen and Xian Zheng.Spatial determinants of land redevelopment in the urban renewal processes in Shenzhen, China.Land Use Policy,2021,103.

29.Binjie Tang., Huanyu Wu*, Yu-Fei Wu.Evaluation of carbon footprint of compression cast waste rubber concrete based on LCA approach.Journal of Building Engineering,2024

30.Huanyu Wu, Yongqi Liu, Ruidong Chang, Lingyi Wu,Research Status Quo and Trends of Construction Robotics: A Bibliometric Analysis,Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering,2024.

31.Jingru Li, Xian Zhao, Qiaoqiao Yong, Junlong Liang, Huanyu Wu*.Revealing the implicit and explicit attitudes of the public towards recycled aggregate based on psychological experiment.Developments in the Built Environment.2023.

32.Carbon Emissions Assessment for Building Decoration Based on Life Cycle Assessment: A Case Study of Office Buildings.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022.

33.Lingling He, Hongping Yuan, Huanyu Wu*.Collaborative mechanism for promoting the cross-regional management of construction and demolition waste.Journal of Cleaner Production.2022.

34.Kunsen Lin, Tao Zhou, Xiaofeng Gao* , Zongshen Li, Huabo Duan, Huanyu Wu,Guanyou Lu, Youcai Zhao**.Deep convolutional neural networks for construction and demolition waste classification: VGGNet structures, cyclical learning rate, and knowledge transfer.Journal of Environmental Management.2022.

35.Z. Wu, A. T. W. Yu, L. Shen. Investigating the determinants ofcontractor’s construction and demolition wastemanagement behavior in Mainland China. Waste Management 2017; 60: 290-300.(SCI)

36.Z. Wu, L. Shen, A. T. W. Yu, X. Zhang. A comparative analysis of wastemanagement requirements between five green building rating systems for newresidential buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 112: 895-902. (SCI)

37.Z. Wu, X. Zhang, M. Wu. Mitigating construction dust pollution: State ofthe art and the way forward. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 112, Part 2:1658-66. (SCI)

38.Duan, H.*, Miller, T. R., Liu, G.*, Zeng, X., Yu, K., Huang, Q.*, ...& Li, J. Chilling Prospect: Climate change effects of mismanagedrefrigerants in China. Environ Sci & Technol. 2018. 52, 6350-6356 (SCI, IF:6.20)【JCR-1区】

39.Duan, H. *, Miller, T. R., Liu, G., & Tam, V. W. (2019).Construction debris becomes growing concerns of growing cities. WasteManagement, 83, 1-5. (SCI, IF: 4.02)【JCR-2区】

40.Wang Huilong, Wang Shengwei*.A disturbance compensation enhanced control strategy of HVAC systems for improved building indoor environment control when providing power grid frequency regulation.Renewable Energy.2021,169.

41.Chen Zhe, Chen Yongbao*, Xiao Tong, Wang Huilong, Hou Pengwei.A novel short-term load forecasting framework based on time-series clustering and early classification algorithm.Energy and Buildings.2021,251.

42.Wang Huilong, Wang Shengwei*.A hierarchical optimal control strategy for continuous demand response of building HVAC systems to provide frequency regulation service to smart power grids.Energy.2021,230

43.Ding Zhikun, Wang Zhan, Hu Ting, Wang Huilong*.A Comprehensive Study on Integrating Clustering with Regression for Short-Term Forecasting of Building Energy Consumption: Case Study of a Green Building.Buildings.2022,12.

44.Wang Huilong, Ding Zhikun, Tang Rui, Chen Yongbao, Fan Cheng*, Wang Jiayuan.A machine learning-based control strategy for improved performance of HVAC systems in providing large capacity of frequency regulation service.Applied Energy.2022,326.

45.Fan Cheng, Lin Yiwen, Piscitelli Marco Savino, Chiosa Roberto, Wang Huilong*, Capozzoli Alfonso, Ma Yuanyuan.Leveraging graph convolutional networks for semi-supervised fault diagnosis of HVAC systems in data-scarce contexts.Building Simulation.2023,16.

46.Wang Huilong, Chen Yongbao, Kang Jing, Ding Zhikun, Zhu Han*.An XGBoost-Based predictive control strategy for HVAC systems in providing day-ahead demand response.Building and Environment.2023,238.

47.Liang Yan, Yang Haibin*, Wang Huilong, Bao Xiaohua, Cui Hongzhi.Enhancing energy efficiency of air conditioning system through optimization of PCM-based cold energy storage tank: A data center case study.Energy.2024,286.

48.Shen Pengyuan*, Wang Huilong**.Archetype building energy modeling approaches and applications: A review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.2024,199.

49.Wu Ziyan, Zhang Wenhao, Tang Rui*, Wang Huilong, Korolija Ivan.Reinforcement learning in building controls: A comparative study of algorithms considering model availability and policy representation.Journal of Building Engineering.2024,90.

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