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BIM中心 发表于: 2019-09-12 08:42 点击:[]

[1] Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaoxiao Xu, Lizi Luo. SWOT analysis and Internet of Things-enabled platform for prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong, Habitat International. 57: 74-87(2016). (SSCI,JCR一区)  

[2] Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaoxiao Xu, Margaret Kayan Mor. Schedule risks in prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong: a social network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 134: 482-484(2016).(SCIJCR一区)  

[3] Ding Zhikun, Wang Yifei, Zou Xiaowei. An agent based environmental impact assessment of building demolition waste management: Conventional versus green management [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, pp.1136-1153, 2016, EI,SCI(Q1)    

[4] Ding Zhikun, Yi Guizhen, Tam Vivian, Huang Tengyue. A system dynamics-based environmental performance simulation of construction waste reduction management in China [J]. Waste Management, 51, pp.130-141, 2016, EI,SCI(Q1)    

[5] Duan, H.*, Yu, D., Zuo, J., Yang, B., & Niu, Y. Characterization of brominated flame retardants in construction and demolition waste components: HBCD and PBDEs. Sci. Total Environ. 2016, 572, 77-85. (SCI, IF: 3.98) (JCR-2)  

[6] Wu, H., Duan, H*., Zheng, L., Wang, J., Niu, Y., Zhang, G. Demolition waste generation and recycling potentials in a rapidly developing flagship megacity of South China: Prospective scenarios and implications. Constr. Build. Mater. 2016, 113, 1007-1016. (SCI, IF:2.265) (JCR-2)  

[7] Wu, H., Wang, J.*,Duan, H.*,Ouyang, L., Huang, W., Zuo, J. An innovative approach to managing demolition waste via GIS: A case study in Shenzhen city, China. J. Clean. Prod. 2016, 112, 494-593. (SCI, IF:4.96) (JCR-2)  

[8] Duan, H.*, Hu, J., Yuan, W., Wang, Y., Yu, D., Song, Q., Li, J.  Characterizing the environmental implications of the recycling of non-metallic fractions from waste printed circuit boards. J. Clean. Prod. 2016, 137, 546-554. (SCI, IF:4.96) (JCR-2)  

[9] Duan, H., Wang, J., Liu, L., Huang, Q., Li, J*. Rethinking China’s Strategic Mineral Policy on Indium: Implication for the Flat Screens and Photovoltaic Industries. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (Prog. Photovolt.: Res. Appl.). 2016, 24, 83-93. (SCI, IF:7.37) (JCR-1)  

[10] Duan, H*., Hu, J., Tan, Q., Liu, L., Wang, Y., Li, J*.Systematic characterization of generation and management of e-waste in China. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res. 2016, 23, 1929–1943. (SCI, IF:2.757) (JCR-3)  

[11] Yani LAI* and  Bo-sin Tang. (2016). “Institutional barriers to the redevelopment of urban villages in China: A Transaction cost perspective”. Land Use Policy58482-490  

[12] Yani LAI and Xiaoling Zhang (2016). “Redevelopment of industrial sites in the Chinese urban villages: An empirical study of Shenzhen”. Journal of Cleaner Production,13470-77刊发

[13] Wu Z, Zhang X, Wu M, Mitigating construction dust pollution: state of the art and the way forward, J. Cleaner Prod. 112, Part 2 (2016) 1658-66.  

[14] Wu Z, Shen L, Yu ATW, Zhang X, A comparative analysis of waste management requirements between five green building rating systems for new residential buildings, J. Cleaner Prod. 112, Part 1 (2016) 895-902.  

[15] Yu, M., Shan, J. and Ma, L. “Regional Container Port Competition in a Dual Gateway-port System”, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 25(4): 491-514, 2016.12.  


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